Apartment building Dombrowskistraße 16, photo: KAZ

Dombrowskistr. 16: Former bakery, typical residential building, photo: private

Side view Dombrowskistraße 16, photo: private
Dombrowskistrasse 16
House No. 16 with its 4 axes - formerly the Hofmann bakery - dates back to the time after the great city fire, it was built around 1800. It was placed next to the "Nottor" in the city wall. Around 1900 it received an extension for a bakery that existed until 1958. It was extensively renovated in 2003/2004 with subsidies and a lot of personal commitment. The house received the Brandenburg Architecture Prize and was named "Monument of the Month" in 2022.
Today it is used privately as a home by the daughter of the baker Hofmann.
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